Just Eat Takeaway.com

How Just Eat Takeaway.com is Using TrueClicks to Optimize Campaigns and Cut Ad Spend 1.8%

How Just Eat Takeaway.com is Using TrueClicks to Optimize Campaigns and Cut Ad Spend 1.8%

Company type
Online food delivery
Europe, Canada, Australia, Israel
Weekly hours saved (team-level)

THE customer

Annegret Schubert
Lead Paid Search, Just Eat Takeaway.com

“TrueClicks is very straightforward. It shows you exactly what changes you need to make, which changes will have the most impact, and what the impact will be. Then, it allows you to quickly make the changes directly in the tool.”


Daily PPC monitoring and optimization

  • Alerts and opportunities across all campaigns
  • The TrueClicks Prioritization Framework
  • Inefficient N-Grams to identify underperforming words across search terms

Just Eat Take​away​.com is a lead­ing glob­al online food deliv­ery mar­ket­place, con­nect­ing con­sumers with over 680,000 partners through its plat­form in 20 coun­tries.

Its mis­sion is to empower every food moment and to be the best food deliv­ery com­pa­ny on the planet.


Finding a new tool to make Google Ads optimizations fun and efficient

As the lead of paid search for Just Eat Takeaway.com, Annegret needed to find a new tool for search engine advertising. Google had sunsetted their internal account hygiene spreadsheet, but even before that, this sheet and the Google Ads interface themselves had several issues:

  • They didn’t give users a full overview of all of the elements per recommendation, and it wasn’t possible to make changes to a selected group of elements. Because of this, specialists could inadvertently waste hours on optimizations that had little impact.
  • They allowed users to dismiss recommendations without making changes and artificially boost their score. This made it harder for managers to see how accounts were actually performing.
  • It was impossible for managers to get a clean overview of how all the accounts were doing in a single place.

Optimization is one of the more boring parts of an SEM specialist’s job. Annegret and her team wanted a tool that was interactive and engaging, to incentivize specialists to put more effort into optimizing their accounts and even make the small adjustments they wouldn’t otherwise bother with.

“We were really looking for a tool to make our account optimizations more fun to do. We also wanted a tool where we could easily see which recommendations are most important so that we could focus our work on what has the most impact.”


An interactive, feature-rich tool for PPC

With TrueClicks, the Just Eat Takeaway.com SEM team can optimize their accounts using an interface that’s fun, engaging, and most of all very effective.

TrueClicks gives users a prioritized list of recommendations, so they can focus on the most important changes first. Users make the updates directly in their TrueClicks dashboard and see their scores improve in real time.

Features like negative keyword recommendations and n-gram analysis help them optimize further for relevant search terms. Team leads like Annegret can use labels and summaries to quickly get a top-level view of all the markets at once.

Most importantly, TrueClicks’ interactive platform encourages specialists to quickly make minute optimizations they might otherwise have ignored, making Just Eat Takeaway.com’s Google Ads accounts healthier than ever.

“If a tool is more interactive and fun to use, people use it more. Making lots of changes within the Google Ads interface itself isn’t appealing. But in TrueClicks, it’s very easy to do, and it’s very nice to see your score increase.”


18x ROI and over 90 hours of optimization time saved

Using TrueClicks has saved Just Eat Takeaway.com at least 1.8% of their ad spend without sacrificing conversions. For a tool that costs them less than 0.1% of ad spend, that’s an easy 18x ROI.

Those savings help the team meet their performance targets and focus more of their budget on acquiring new customers. As their ads performance improves, they get the same amount of orders with lower cost-per-acquisition year-over-year.

On top of that, TrueClicks saves the team at least 90 hours/month of analysis and optimization work (6 hours/team member), which opens up time for more exciting and valuable project work.

Annegret and her team are thrilled.

“Being able to spend less time on optimizations opens up more possibilities to work on more creative projects and collaborate with other teams. It improves performance and it also boosts satisfaction.”